
Showing posts with the label Poetry

One in a million

 The temptress... She is always dressed in red, Pale skin, juicy leaps, fine breasts That kind that they call le famme fatale, Woman worth to die for, I'd say many have fallen Few remain And her venom is like of a black widow spider Deadly and numbing, such is her love _____________________________________________________ Help me earn a living helping you earn a living as a poet/poetess buy a subscription or join the FREE discord:

Oceans of information

 Leonard Cohen said "If you don't realize you are the ocean, you won't ever stop being seasick". I say it is the same with the information. If you won't ever realize you are the library You won't ever write any books. _________________________________________________________ Help me earn a living helping you earn a living as a poet/poetess buy a subscription or join the FREE discord:

Conversation about nothing

 -Hello! How is life going? -Alright. It is going... How is yours? -Mine? Well, it is going steadily... I guess nowhere. -Well at least it IS going. Conversation about mundane Nothing said much, nothing done People streamline consciousness just for fun. _________________________________________________ Help me earn a living helping you earn a living as a poet/poetess buy a subscription or join the FREE discord:

The day that will equalize us all

 Sunny day in the mid of July The people are laughing and dancing The tribe is enchanted by birth of chief's grandson They waited for this day for nine months, And now it is here, everything and everyone, The culmination moment unfolds There must be a feast There must be more than just the birth of a son No. It's all a sham. Birth of a baby, that's all, we are done. People make of it something, but truth is it is as much as a miracle As rising of the sun. _______________________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

Are you strong enough to endure the pain?

 The pain of the past... It lurks in darkness and copulates with fear They breed children called nightmares And they are true children of the Devil They hunt you till the moment you grow stronger Till the moment you become Achilles, Hercules, Apollo... And then they are gone You face them finally and see how little they are You slay the fear and castrate the pain, No longer they are your masters You are the chosen one, like many before you, You are on top, and now the story just begins, And there is nobody who'll dare to stop The magnificence you are _____________________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

The quest for riches

 The endless search for more Mentors are not here to abhor They are here to make sure you dive And find what you seek Before you learn to speak They way that gets you the buck Buckle up and smash a crack In wall of consciousness that eventually will let you go _______________________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

Your quest is my quest

 Let it begin, The dance without sin We all just shattered pieces of this universe We belong nowhere else but on this very earth People try to hide and seek However if you are gentle there is no reason To be silent, so speak, dare to speak! ____________________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

The grining stalker

 She was afraid to follow him She was a witch with plenty whim He was a doctor and a student of the arts His grimace was beloved by her and many more She left the forest at the dawn And followed footsteps never shown Her light feet carried her away after him into the bay When he reached the boat She stepped into the mud Without knowing it they parted Their lives again restarted ______________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

The day is not over yet

 The time is ticking The water trickles down the drain I wonder, how many men have gone insane Truing to do wonders, trying to reach for fame? Ability of not returning back Is the only in the stack That allows us to fly Without wings in dreams up high _________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

I don't need what I don't need

Times have changed, People still buy things they don't need though I won't be like that There is always a higher goal A higher state It's not just to manifest... It's also about to pass down the process __________________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

Biblical nonsense

People buy and sell Jesus wouldn't fair with it well Prophets pop up like mushrooms after the rain I would rather be reclusive and keep myself pet's friend Instead of going around trying to save the world Save yourself first, then let the world take care of its own It's way bigger than your own ____________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

The tantrum

People have anger issues all the time However, we don't like to find The flaws of our own minds People blame the dogs, the cats, the whether And even the universe for all their slack However, the truth is it's not lack of luck It's the lack of mind to get unstuck _____________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

Sure fire way

You can't beat them, Join them, Improve don't reduce Refuse not the salvation Eventually it will come back to you Regardless your generation ___________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

The returning

  The time has passed by I stood up and hoped to fly However, the dream was over, And lagging I fell back to my bed Like many of us do ___________________________________________________ Learn to earn money with your poems:

Street Girl

Bon appetit! She can't hear no shit I wonder what her headphones play I doubt it's a love song Because she is pretty lonely, I'd say, I'm lonely too, but I'm okay, She deserves better, But she is indifferent to my say

Line 52

Gonna wait for fifty two Until I'm back and I see you This line is like a little charm of mine Tends to drag me through the town I guess it will be gone When I am not around See you down town, baby, There is no maybe in my book Just look!


There is no magic in the sigh Look at the sun shining up high You don't want to leave  You don't want to die There is no magic in the sigh


Never had a real family Never had a real home I'm my own family And books I write Are my only true home


Even the big bettor Should sometimes get her, Not talking about the youth, They always have nothing to lose, Talking about the older gentlemen, We don't have much going, Besides our pre-existence plan So where the penny must go Some kind of show must come out, you know


My thoughts of you still remain As you indulge in your secret pain I don't know much but I overcame The burst of tears in your sacred name Let's play this mortal game without shame