
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry consisting of a tercet formed by three lines when each line is divided by 5-7-5 syllables rule.

According to the Literary Kicks website, it has originated around 12 century during the period when Japanese and Chinese poetry was highly regarded.

At first, it was written in Japanese but then other languaged like English and Chinese adopted the style.

First English Haiku appeared in the late 19th century.

Other languages like Russian and Hindu also partially found their bay in this style.

Here is an example of Basho’s famous Haiku poem translated from Japanese:

old pond

water’s sound

frog leaps in

Haikus are observations of reality that at times bring us to an Aha! moment and then a certain state of peace.

Here is an example of originally English Haiku written by Savannah M. Jones :

Coolness fills the air
Scarves and sweaters everywhere
Fall weather is here

Source: https://bit.ly/36zi4Hm

If you would like to Engage in better learning of the style and become an adept of Haiku, Haiku societies would be recommended. They may be found in google’s query for “Haiku society”. You may be even lucky to find a local one.

Thanks for reading this short introduction to Haikus hope your journey continues well. I may post my own Haikus later on so if you find it easy enough you may follow the site through RSS feed. Once again thank you for reading.

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