
Showing posts from January, 2021


You can buy my work here, It doesn't work as an elixir. It certainly does not inspire drama, But surely does propel your spirit Like Dalai Lama. One thing is certain, You better try and give it a decent go, Before your time is up, yo!


Dark hair, Brown eyes, 'I'd love to care' - her voice  Loudly cuts through the air. While I admire the beauty, She plays hide and seek  On the dark moon's side. 'I wish I'd be there!' - I think to myself When she slips back to where I seen her first time, My heart skips a beat, However, she is unaware. 


Time ticks away My minutes every day. I haven't got much to say but, The wondrous world Puzzles my mind in every way But I guess that's life so, I might stay and play the play On top of the hay, regardless what they say. 


They all are just Dharma battles, aren't they? Dharma battles with yourself, Dharma battles with your surrounding, And with others,  On behalf of most profound  Thought applauding.  KATZ!


Seas, oceans of words And pictures. Eye candies And sex appeal. Why?  Why do we consume this? Are we bred to be mindless sheep That feast upon the nonsense of reality? Social media is not social! It's a pagan way of living.  Pagan way of spending time. And I'm not Christian, even. I'm certain though there could Be better world if we just set  And closed our eyes for five minutes or so Looking for an answer within not outside.


How someone can be so pretty And so ugly the same time? Is it the nature that confines us? Sisyphus wasn't smart or kind He was completely out of mind But he managed to get a job That wouldn't ever be complete Is it a blessing or a curse, Depends entirely on your inner wit.  Keep the heartbeat in tact with it. 


They come and go, Like spring and snow, We are still jabbering But they continue  Their continues flow. Solid one will come  And you will shine like the sun.  After all you need only one good one. 


They come and go, Like spring and snow, We are still jabbering But they continue  Their continues flow. Solid one will come  And you will shine like the sun.  After all you need only one good one. 

Full Power

Be the splendid future of the scene Be that power pumped machine Dare to burn in fire Walk the water and the storm Be the number one champion Because who else they will admire If you keep it quiet And forget to breath out fire And be the breathtaking lion?


While I'm standing here Stuck between realms Of past and future Thinking some songs will last Some thoughts will pass through However it is nothing because  I still haven't met you


Zoom in  Zoom out, Zoom out of doubt. Stop the struggle in that inferno, Start to dabble in the concert show. At times it's high At times it's low But the thing it's all part of the grand go. 


Zoom in  Zoom out, Zoom out of doubt. Stop the struggle in that inferno, Start to dabble in the concert show. At times it's high At times it's low But the thing it's all part of the grand go. 


Let's go for a date in Hell together Driving red sedan through the rivers of blood. Joining the Devil in the destructive level, I'm your man, you're my choice given by God Let's go and dine at the peak of Mount Doom Time for steak and wine in the land of gloom We won't suffer, I promise, we'll just observe The demons our dessert will serve Because we conquer not just conserve


The day, The night, The star shines bright And whole world sits in a lockdown.